Monday, November 23, 2009

00036:writing something without any purpose...

    I stopped writing and updating my blogs for several days again. I know I have gradually become a person who can insist on doing something for a long time, especially for those things that I am not interested in. I put much stress on me. I always feel that I am undertaking lots of burdens and never have a chance to take a breath to enjoy a happy life.
    I wish I could find a good job that I do not need to drink beers and do not have to accomplish many unreasonable and inhumanity sales targets. I wish I can have my own house which I can decorate in accordance to my favourite style. I wish I could find someone who deeply love me and deserve I love. All these things are like clouds floating over my head.
    I am totally lost in this modern city now, not knowing what I am really wanting, scaring being fired and unemployed. I always believe that one can realize his dreams with his hard working. However, this belief is nothing but shit in this city. The up grade people become much wealthier and on the contrary, the lower grade people never have a chance to change his life now.
    Where shall I go?!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

00035: the reported effective Chinese Traditional Medicine for anti-N1H1...

    As the increasing dead N1H1 cases appeared in China and the sudden cold weather swept across the whole motherland, governments and citizens drew much more attention on prevention of N1H1 now. Beijing Chinese Traditional Medicine Regulated Authority released four series of CTM prescriptions for four different group of people, including the adult, the kid,the old and the pregnant. All released prescription were carefully verified, regarded as an effective way to protect from affection of N1H1 flu viruses.
    One of its prescription is as follows:
honeysuckle flower: six gram
Peppermint: three gram
Licorice Roots Northwest Origin: three gram
    Here are the steps for using these herbals. Put all these herbals in to water, five minutes for dipping and 10 minutes for boiling. Take out of the boiled water and add some water again into the left herbals, 10 minutes again for boiling and take out of the second boiled water.  Put all the boiled water together and drink it twice a day.
    Just for your reference. Anyway, we should keep a good rest, wash our hands more and do more exercises so as to keep good health. Best wishes for everyone reading this article.
PS: photos attached in this blog are the above mentioned herbals. hope you enjoy it!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

00034: Obama in Shanghai

    US President Barack Obama arrived in Shanghai yesterday evening and started his first official visit in China today. It was reported that President Obama had a conversation with local officials on this morning. What made me interested was that Lovely President Obama joined in a dialogue with Chinese youth people in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum afternoon, where used to be a spot for APEC event in Shanghai several years before. I focused on the live report on Internet and witnessed the whole process this enthusiasm brainstorm. 
    If you thumb through today's newspaper, Obama's face were always put on the headings. He has become the first focused people in China now. I believe believe his visit will enhance the mutual understanding and cooperation between two countries.  However, most of us think that RMB will suffer a big threat of  appreciation after then,which is not good to our domestic economics.
    On the other hand,  Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock market boomed today, which was regarded as the welcome of President Obama.
    I attached a photo in this blog, which was taken on my way home. All belonging bags were asked to be scrutinized before we entered the underground. Local authority seemed to upgrade level of risk prevention.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

00033: Singles Day....

     Today is November 11th, a very special day for Chinese people. Today is the Singles Day, which is also named as Guang Gun Festival in vernacular. As the date of today contains four same number ONE, we clever Chinese symbolize it as someone living alone without a companion beside and then name it as the Singles Day. 

     Some students in colleges or some youth usually hold different activities on this day. These various events are all in the purpose of helping bachelors say goodbye to single status.  Some young people will choose to take parties and hope to find the other part on this day.  It was reported on the local newspaper that one group people would held an interesting party this evening in Shanghai, offering quite a few games such as SanGuo Sha(a very popular  card games in Shanghai now, I will introduce it in my blogs next time) to provide opportunities  for those single attendants. 

    However, some young couples choose to register marriage on today. They believe four number ONE represent only one in one's heart and its symbolization will bring a good luck on their marriage.

    I am still officially single now. I was absorded myself in my work the whole day.  I have been making great efforts to change this status, but the result is far from my satisfactory. There is an old Chinese saying "nothing is better than everything". And I always hold the point of view that there exists fate which will bring two people walk together at last. I also wish it was my last Singles Day. 

    Good luck on me and every singles in this world.  



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

00032:N1H1 in Shanghai....

     Government carried out a free vaccination program for students in primary and secondary school in Shanghai today.  It was reported that nearly 80 percent of the students join in the vaccination program. According to the policy, the whole class will not be able to be access to the vaccination if one of the students in this class has been being affected seasonal flu. And those students will take vaccination in 7 days later after the sick one recover. It is a good way to eliminate and reduce adverse effect of N1H1 vaccination into the largest extent.

    The second round of N1H1 influenza has geared up all over the world, which is also on the rise in China.  In total, the Chinese mainland has reported  59478 confirmed cases of the virus by Nov 8th, including 242 serious cases and  30 died cases. In the early spread of the flu, the majority of cases came from abroad, while currently, more and more citizens are being infected within the country. The infection of N1H1 is estimated to account for 80% of the total influenza cases, reported by authority. I can see more and more people are wearing mask in the metro trains, including me.LOL.... 
    It was ridiculous that the Chinese media(newspaper and Internet) reported quite officially that a new kind of high-tech N1H1 mask had been successfully invented, which could kill nearly 92% N1H1 viruses. However, director of National Influenza Testing Center declared the new N1H1 virus masks had never been tested and  verified by any Chinese authority yesterday. Some doctors also wrote articles on the local newspaper and said most of masks with 9 layer fabric could prevent N1H1 viruses effectively.

Monday, November 9, 2009

00031:Metros in Shanghai

I am sitting in the metro cab currently and just leave my office.thats why i suddenly would like to talk about something about metros in shanghai.
There are more than 12 metro lines in shanghai,whose number and density may be inferrior to those in such cities like New York and Tokyo. However,shanghai has the most developed metro lines network compared to other cities in China. We can go to nearly every important CBD and transportation center through metro lines and most people choose to take the underground to the offices in shanghai.
The biggest advantage of metros is the timetable can be accurately controled especially in the morning or evening when the traffic become terrable on the road.
The first metro line one opened to the public more than 15 years ago in shanghai. It started at the North railway station and ended at Jingjiang Park,only around 10 stops at all. The gov prolonged some important metro lines and extended those line`s stops up to 15 or 16 at last.
Currently, the network of metro lines in shanghai has covered most area of shanghai city,from urban and rural area. It is reported that the metro line 9 will be extended to Chongming Island through Changjiang Bridge-Tunnel.
If you take care of some passengers' behavior on the metros,you will find that about 30% play with their cell phone,including iphones,nokia,sony ericcesson and so on. Nearly another 30% use their mp4 player listening music,watching movies and reading ebooks.About 10% passengers play games by psp while 20% often read newspapers and books. Most of the others usually take a nap .Reading ebooks or playing games on my dopod c720 is my first choice to killing time...And it is the first time im trying to write this article in the metro train!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

00030: what happened in last 9 days...

    Sorry, everyone. I was in breach of my promise again. I realize that I am only a ordinary people and find out the impatience is one of my big weak point. I once read a survey that only half of bloggers can insist on updating blogs frequently after 3 months. And only one tenth of bloggers can continue updating theirs blogs after 1 year. I dont how long i will hold on after today, but I will have a try and hope to be one out of ten. 

    Turning back to the main point, it did occurred lots of important things or incidents in Shanghai and Chinese circle during the past 9 days.. 

1. Shanghai Changjiang tunnel-bridge opened to the public on Oct 31th. The project consists of Changjiang Bridge and a Tunnel part with the total length of 25.5 kilometres. The overall investment reached nearly 12.62 billion yuan RMB.  The bridge starts from Chongming Isand and ends in Changxing Island. And the tunnel brings the Changxing Island and Shanghai land together then. It is a momentum for the local citizen that people can take bus or cars to go Chongming or Changxin Island, where were only reached by ships only. Many Shanghainese now are hoping to have a short tour on Chongming Island, including our family.

2. Qian Xuesen, the father of China's rocket and the Space Program, died on Nov 11th. He used to study in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and came back to China and made great efforts to the development in China's space technology. Mr Qian was not left a deep impression among the so called 80's or 90's youth people, but he was respected and revered by most of people as my fathers age. My father once told me before that Mr Qian was a real scientist in his image at the time when my father was young. 

2. The construction of Shanghai Disney Land was finally approved by the government on Nov 5th. All the local newspaper and mass medias placed this breaking news on the headline. I believe it is an cardiotonic to the local economics. Sorts of local stocks related to the project of Disneyland had witnesses a sharp increase in price during the past half year. The floor price of the crude land where the future Shanghai Disney Land will be located doubled during the past one year and reach a high point at 14000 yuan per square meters. Although we local citizens welcome the Shanghai Disney Land, we also have some worries about it, such as the future price in real estate market, the threat against local market and so on.

    Life is going, and I will try to continue doing some valuable things rather than wasting my time, which will make my life much more meaningful.....