I read the word "REINCARNATION" in an English book long time ago. It probably means someone has a new fresh blood, spirit or body. Although I can not comprehend the meaning of the word correctly, I still would like to use "REINCARNATION" as the title of this blog.
I watched News Programs when I had my dinner a moment ago. The News media said there is only less than one year left before the opening of Shanghai World EXPO. I even suddenly realize there is only less than 3 years before the thirtieth birthday of my life.
Several months was passed since I posted my last blog. It seems that the time gear runs faster and faster. During the past few months, I was indulged myselves in working, swimming and deeply thinking over my life, my whole life.
I always encourage myself that EVERY THING WILL BE BETTER. However, on the other hand, I was living passively. But now I decide to change something, striding a big step toward my new life.
I will not give up hopes, give up English, give up my belief, and also give up blogging.
This is a new point, which is verified by my blog here!!!!